Customer Journey Stages
Dzmitry Kazlow  

The Power of Advocacy in the Customer Journey

When a customer becomes a brand’s advocate, they’ve reached the pinnacle of the customer journey. This stage, known as the Advocacy Stage, is where satisfied customers become the voice of the brand, sharing their positive experiences with others and recommending the company’s products or services. It’s a testament to a company’s ability to not only meet but exceed customer expectations, turning them into loyal fans and promoters.

Key Takeaways

  • Advocacy is when customers actively promote and recommend a brand to others.
  • It’s a significant indicator of customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
  • Encouraging customer feedback and reviews is key to fostering advocacy.
  • Creating shareable content makes it easier for advocates to spread the word.
  • Engaging with customer advocates strengthens the relationship.
  • Incentivizing referrals can motivate customers to become advocates.
  • Tracking advocacy metrics helps measure the success of advocacy efforts.
  • Continuous value delivery and innovation keep advocates engaged.

Understanding Customer Advocacy

The Essence of Advocacy

The Advocacy Stage is the emotional commitment a customer makes to support and promote a brand.

The Brand-Customer Bond

It reflects the deep connection and trust built between the customer and the brand.

The Role of Customer Satisfaction

Satisfaction to Advocacy

High levels of satisfaction can naturally lead customers to advocate for a brand.

Service Excellence

Outstanding customer service is often the catalyst for creating brand advocates.

Encouraging Customer Reviews and Feedback

The Power of Word of Mouth

Positive reviews and word of mouth are invaluable for converting more customers.

Creating Feedback Channels

Making it easy for customers to leave feedback can enhance the likelihood of advocacy.

Creating Shareable Content

EngagingContent that captures interest and is enjoyable to share
InformativeContent that provides value and is useful to the audience
ShareabilityContent that is easily shareable across various platforms

Amplifying Reach Through Content

Shareable content empowers customers to spread the word about the brand.

Leveraging Social Proof

User-generated content serves as social proof and encourages new customers to join the brand community.

Rewards and Referral Programs

Incentivizing Word-of-Mouth

Referral programs reward customers for bringing in new business, thus motivating advocacy.

Recognition and Rewards

Acknowledging advocates not only rewards them but also demonstrates that the brand values their support.

Engaging with Customer Advocates

Building a Community

Fostering a sense of community among advocates strengthens their loyalty.

Direct Engagement

Responding to and interacting with advocates shows the brand’s commitment to its customers.

Measuring Advocacy Impact

Advocacy Metrics

Key metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS) can help measure the extent of advocacy.

Continuous Monitoring

Regularly tracking advocacy metrics is crucial for understanding its impact on business growth.

Maintaining Advocate Engagement

Continuous Value Delivery

Consistently providing value ensures advocates remain engaged and loyal.

Innovation and Improvement

Continual product and service improvements keep the brand relevant and advocates interested.


The Advocacy Stage is a celebratory chapter in the customer journey where customers become the heroes of the brand’s narrative. It’s a symbiotic relationship where both parties thrive—the brand gains a powerful marketing ally, and the customer enjoys the rewards and recognition of their support. In this stage, the customer’s voice echoes the brand’s values, amplifying its message far and wide. A brand that nurtures its advocates is a brand that understands the profound impact of human connection in the world of business.

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